Affiche chrétienne Le travail est terminé

Il s’agit d’un téléchargement numérique. Tetelestai le mot grec pour le travail est terminé ou il est terminé. C’est une pièce à avoir chez vous pour vous rappeler quotidiennement le sacrifice que Jésus a fait pour nous. Que nous sommes rendus nouveaux à travers lui. Une façon d’avoir ce rappel quotidien à avoir chez soi pour regarder et se rappeler la bonté de Dieu.

‘Mark Twain Quote L020’...

Beautiful 'Mark Twain Quote L020' Poster Print by Go...

Amazing Movement Quotes for...

These quotes about the importance of movement will give...

God Knew My Heart...

This listing is for one 6x6" vinyl decorated ceramic...

101 Positive, Uplifting &...

These inspirational quotes for teens are uplifting and motivational!...

‘Mark Twain Quote L020’ Poster, picture, metal print, paint by Go Fonix | Displate

Beautiful 'Mark Twain Quote L020' Poster Print by Go Fonix ✓ Printed on Metal ✓ Easy Magnet Mounting ✓ Worldwide Shipping. Buy online at...

Amazing Movement Quotes for Fitness Inspiration

These quotes about the importance of movement will give you a burst of energy. Moving your body is important, especially in the modern world...

God Knew My Heart Needed You Vinyl Decorated Ceramic Tile Love Romance Wedding Shower Gift Idea Home Decor Anniversary Valentine Gift – Etsy

This listing is for one 6x6" vinyl decorated ceramic tile with the simple quote "God knew my heart needed you." Just a simple verse...

101 Positive, Uplifting & Inspirational Quotes for Teens

These inspirational quotes for teens are uplifting and motivational! For the bad days and the good, these quotes are meaningful and...

Nine Favorite Things.

From the top 4 lessons I've learned from my mom, to some of the coolest Met Galla dresses, to a spring kitchen refresh, to...