8 Reasons A Strong Woman Is Usually Alone

Early on in life, a strong woman is someone who understands that she needs to make a decision. She has to choose whether she lives a life that would please as many people as possible; a life that wouldn’t be offensive to anyone and would give her a positive public…

Pursue It

If it's both terrifying and amazing, you should definitely...

Why Is It So...

Such a small phrase, seemingly easy enough to say,...

Pursue It

If it's both terrifying and amazing, you should definitely pursue it. Follow your dreams and motivations outside of your comfort zone with this powerful...

Why Is It So Hard To Say I’m Sorry In Marriage – MARRIAGE AFTER GOD

Such a small phrase, seemingly easy enough to say, yet in marriage these words have a huge impact, whether said or especially, not said....

Future self

Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Be Your Future Self Now: The...