24 Unique Things to Do in Austin Today

When I say Texas, you think of cowboys and Conservatives, right? Wrong! Say hello to Austin – the hipster Texas city in The Lone Star State. Just over 950,000 people reside in Austin, and during our three visits, we’ve met around 30 of them, and one even married us. Yes,…

French Words

Every day, new French words to discover. Why? Because...

Discipline is the strongest...

Self-discipline, the cornerstone of personal growth, is the ability...

French Words

Every day, new French words to discover. Why? Because French is beautiful.

Discipline is the strongest form of self-love

Self-discipline, the cornerstone of personal growth, is the ability to regulate your thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to achieve your goals. Read more..

Future self

Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Be Your Future Self Now: The...