8 Reasons A Strong Woman Is Usually Alone

Early on in life, a strong woman is someone who understands that she needs to make a decision. She has to choose whether she lives a life that would please as many people as possible; a life that wouldn’t be offensive to anyone and would give her a positive public…

Trusting God’s Plan |...

Jesus’s words in John 13:7 provide comfort and perspective...

Trusting God’s Plan | Understanding John 13:7

Jesus’s words in John 13:7 provide comfort and perspective in these moments: there are things we may not understand now, but in time, God...

‘Work Hard Success’ Poster, picture, metal print, paint by dkDesign | Displate

Beautiful 'Work Hard Success' Poster Print by dkDesign ✓ Printed on Metal ✓ Easy Magnet Mounting ✓ Worldwide Shipping. Buy online at DISPLATE.