10 Things to Let...

“There’s a huge disconnect between where I am, and...

I Don’t Chase, I...

What is a manifestation affirmation? Affirmations are positive statements...

11 Curse Words From...

Charming, fun, and yet just the right amount of...

10 Things to Let Go Of, to Reach Your Biggest Goals | Ashley Chymiy, Heart-Centered Coach

“There’s a huge disconnect between where I am, and where I want to be. How can I bridge the gap and move forward?” Most...

I Don’t Chase, I Attract. What Belongs to Manifest Poster Law of Attraction, Mindfulness, Universe, Poster, Wall Art, Printable Wall Art – Etsy

What is a manifestation affirmation? Affirmations are positive statements in the present tense that relate to what it is you want to manifest. "I...

11 Curse Words From The ‘50s We Need To Bring Back

Charming, fun, and yet just the right amount of salty, curse words from the 1950s have a certain extra somethin' that many modern day...

Success is a Calm Nervous System

I came across this idea somewhere last year, and it's stuck with me. We all have a list of things we'd like to achieve...

48 Memes Passing The Funny Test

Memes are dope and cool, and for once in this short little life called earth, we're all going to sit down and enjoy them.Check...
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