YOUR STORY HAS NOT ENDED-THE SEMI COLON PROJECT-You’re A Survivor – Potpourri of Whatever

Your Story Is Not Over! You are a human being. You are a survivor. The semi colon is an initiative where a person who has suffered depression is made to look at life positively. The semi colon project is for everyone who self harms, is suicidal, depressed, has anxiety, is going through a broken …

35 ‘Being Single Memes’ For All of Us Loners

Even if you are currently in a relationship, odds are you have still been there.

Un art de l’aura inspirant

Une belle oeuvre d'art murale avec aura !

Do It For You Affiche (30×40 cm)

- Affiche de texte en noir et blanc avec la citation « Do it for you » en gras Affiche de texte avec la...
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