I’m the kind of girl Who is quiet in large groups or around people I don’t know;

Latest Stories CREATE POST Browse our categories. The Philosophy Behind Our Logo Just like everything else in our brand, our logo represents love and oneness. It is basically a heart that is formed by two lovers holding each other. Social Media Presence. Relationship Rules began as a passion project back in October, 2012. Our first social media presence was on Facebook, which now has a following of 17 million loving and caring followers we consider family. Since 2012, we have branched out into multiple social media outlets. 50 Rules of a Relationship e-Book Written and illustrated by Relationship Rules, this

11 Topics Everyone Should...

Every one of these skills is highly important in...

self love

11 Topics Everyone Should Know About

Every one of these skills is highly important in the 21 st century and developing an understanding of them will help you in numerous...

57 Cute New Relationship Quotes To Post When You’re Ready To Make It ‘Instagram Official’

When you're ready to make it "Instagram official," grab one of these cute new relationship quotes to use as captions on your first round...

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